Company Review and Redress Process: Net Zero Company Benchmark


Disclosure Framework Metrics are assessed by the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) Centre, in partnership with FTSE Russell, an LSEG business, and subject to quality assurance as follows:  

  • Initial data collection and review:Assessments for most Metrics are carried out by FTSE Russell analysts according to the Disclosure Framework methodology. The TPI Centre research team at the LSE carries out Carbon Performance assessments that inform Disclosure Framework Sub-indicators 2.3, 3.3, 4.3 and 11.1. All assessments (by the TPI Centre and FTSE Russell) are then reviewed by other researchers who were not involved in the primary assessment to ensure independence and consistency
  • Initial findings review: the TPI Centre and FTSE Russell conduct a detailed review to confirm that the data are complete and consistent, and resolve any inconsistencies by discussion. The final decision-making power in case of disagreement rests with the TPI Centre.    
  • Company review: Once the initial findings review is complete, TPI Centre writes to companies with their preliminary assessment, offering them an opportunity to review it and confirm the accuracy of the assessment based on public company disclosures. The company review is done for all companies, including those who provide unsuitable or insufficiently detailed disclosures.   
  • Final assessment: Company feedback is then reviewed and, if it is considered appropriate, assessments are revised. TPI Centre involves FTSE Russell where appropriate and may also ask for additional information in order to clarify the company’s feedback. Companies are then informed of the final assessment, alongside explanations of why their challenges to the assessment were accepted or rejected.   
  • Data cut-off period: When companies are sent their initial assessments, a research cut-off date is communicated to them. This means that the assessments will only include data that have been publicly disclosed by that date. Climate Action 100+ intends to periodically reflect new and relevant company disclosures and commitments that occur between Benchmark cycles – these will be displayed in the “Notes” section of companies’ online Benchmark profiles on the Climate Action 100+ website as supplementary and unassessed information.   


InfluenceMap’s LobbyMap platform continually updates its climate policy engagement analysis of the companies and industry associations covered, with thousands of data points reviewed and assessed each week. Fully up-to-date metrics for each company can be found here. 

InfluenceMap welcomes the opportunity to engage with the companies and industry associations covered, and other stakeholders interested in our content. We are happy to explain our system and would appreciate any comments, clarifications, gaps, and/or potential misrepresentations. Detailed feedback on specific pieces of evidence or text within our profiles may be provided by clicking on the “Comment” boxes at the upper right of each scoring cell, accessible via the grid at the bottom of the profiles. Alternatively, please email [email protected] to arrange a call.   


For questions or concerns relating to the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI; formerly 2 Degrees Investing Initiative, 2DII) Alignment Assessments in the Climate Action 100+ Net Zero Company Benchmark, please email: [email protected]. 


For questions or concerns relating to the Carbon Tracker Initiative (CTI) Capital Allocation Alignment Assessments and the Climate Accounting and Audit Assessment in the Climate Action 100+ Net Zero Company Benchmark, please email: [email protected].