About Climate Action 100+

Climate Action 100+ is an investor-led initiative to ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change in order to mitigate financial risk and to maximize the long-term value of assets.

More than 600 investors are engaging companies on improving climate change governance, cutting emissions and strengthening climate-related financial disclosures, in order to mitigate financial risk and to maximise long-term value of assets.

The work of the initiative is coordinated by five investor networks: the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC), Ceres, Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC), Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) and Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). It is supported by a global Steering Committee.

Launched in December 2017, Climate Action 100+ garnered immediate worldwide attention. Climate Action 100+ has since become the largest ever global investor engagement initiative on climate change, with growing influence and impact.

Climate Action 100+ was initially launched as a five year initiative (2017-22) but in 2022 announced that it would run to 2030. In 2023, it announced its Phase 2 strategy to run from 2023 to 2030.

For more information about Climate Action 100+, please read the Frequently Asked Questions.


Climate Action 100+ is governed by a global Steering Committee comprised of the five investor network CEOs and Directors, and ten investor representatives.  The five investor networks appoint two investor representatives each. 

In recognition of the global nature of the initiative and the different priorities and conditions for company engagements in each region, the roles of Steering Committee chair and vice chair rotate every twelve months between different regional representatives. The investor representative term length is 3.5 years with one renewal of a further 3.5 years. 

Climate Action 100+ will seek to ensure equality, diversity and inclusion are reflected in the composition of the Steering Committee. Where practical, investor representatives will be invited to join taking into consideration their level of engagement in the initiative and endeavouring to maintain a Steering Committee that encompasses a sufficient mix of relevant skills, competence, and diversity of perspectives; including but not limited to geographical diversity of signatory representation and diversity of geographical origin, types of investment institution, ethnicity, language, culture, and gender.  


To contact the Steering Committee please email [email protected].

Rebecca Mikula-Wright

Chief Executive Officer - Asia Investor Group on Climate Change and Investor Group on Climate Change

Rebecca is the investor network representative for Asia.

Flora Wang

Head of Stewardship, Asia - Fidelity International

Flora is the investor representative for Asia.

Jane Karen Ho

Head of Stewardship for Asia Pacific - BNP Paribas Asset Management

Jane is the investor representative for Asia.

Richard Proudlove

Director, Corporate Engagement - INVESTOR GROUP ON CLIMATE CHANGE

Richard is the investor network representative for Australia / New Zealand.

Alison Ewings

General Manager ESG - QIC

Alison is the investor representative for Australia / New Zealand.

Leilani Weier

General Manager, Responsible Investment and Sustainability - Rest

Leilani is the investor representative for Australia/New Zealand.

Stephanie Pfeifer

Chief Executive Officer - Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change

Stephanie is the investor network representative for Europe.

Daisy Streatfeild

Sustainability Director - Ninety One

Daisy has joined as the investor representative for Europe. She replaced Stephanie Maier at the end of August, who has moved onto a new role from GAM Investments.

Valeria Piani

Head of Stewardship - Phoenix Group

Valeria is the investor representative for Europe.

Michael Cohen

Chief Operating Investment Officer - CalPERS

Michael is the investor representative for North America.

Mindy Lubber

Chief Executive Officer and President - Ceres

Mindy is the investor network representative for North America.

François Humbert

Lead Engagement Manager - Generali Insurance Asset Management (Generali Group)

François is the global investor representative.

Tamsin Ballard

Chief Initiatives Officer - Principles for Responsible Investment

Tamsin is the global investor network representative and the current Steering Committee Vice Chair.

Alejandro Bujanos

Head of Sustainable Investing - Afore SURA

Alejandro is the global investor representative for the current Steering Committee.


Advisory bodies provide Climate Action 100+ and its coordinating networks with technical support and strategic insights into regional markets and engagement activities. 

Examples of existing advisory bodies in Climate Action 100+ include: 

  • The Technical Advisory Group (TAG), which brings together selected research organisations who provide research and data that contributes to the Climate Action 100+ Net Zero Company Benchmark.
  • The Asia Advisory Group, which was established to provide strategic insights for signatories engaging focus companies in Asian markets. The group assists with fostering greater understanding of cultural sensitivities and specific engagement nuances in local markets to achieve the best results possible under the initiative.


The Asia Advisory Group was established in January 2019 to provide strategic insight into the local Asian markets. The group oversees and advises on the strategy for engaging in the region and to address specific challenges that may arise, for example structural barriers such as state ownership and political context.


The Asia Advisory Group was established by PRI and AIGCC to provide strategic insights and assist with fostering greater understanding of the local market context.

Rebecca Mikula-Wright

Chief Executive Officer - Asia Investor Group on Climate Change

Drew Hambly

Investment Director of Global Stewardship - California Public Employees' Retirement System

Sophia Cheng

Chief Investment Officer - Cathay Financial Holdings

Richard Pan

Managing Director, Chair of ESG Committee, Head of Global Capital Investment - China Asset Management

Mari Murata

Director, Head of Stewardship & ESG Division, Public Market Investment Department - Government Pension Investment Fund

Sebastian Xin

ESG Expert - Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China

Ayako Nomizu

Senior Specialist, Climate Action 100+ - Principles for Responsible Investment

Srinivas Jain

Executive Director & Chief of Strategy, Digital & Technology - SBI Funds Management Private Limited

Srinivas is the current co-chair for the Asia Advisory Group.

Seiji Kawazoe

Global Initiative Fellow - Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management

Seiji is the current co-chair for the Asia Advisory Group.


Climate Action 100+ is made possible by the support of the following philanthropic partners and others who wish to remain anonymous.

  • Ballmer Group
  • Laudes Foundation
  • SeaChange Foundation

Case Studies

Investor engagement through Climate Action 100+ has secured a number of groundbreaking commitments from focus companies and often in hard to abate industries.

Learn more